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If you’re trying to pack on muscle but don’t have time to figure out some complicated eating plan…

AND you’ve got a life to live and don’t want to bloat up like a balloon because of it…

…then you’ll be stunned at how this makes it seamless for you to gain weight while keeping your meals simple and your gut in check.

Hear me out:

It’s not your fault.

Everyone goes through that phase where they Google “how to bulk” and get stuck with some “eat everything” nonsense or a “EAT ONLY X FOOD” ted talk + and a confused mind.

But that stops right now.

Because with this bulking plan, you can actually make sure, that your “muscle-growing diet” won’t make you throw up every night, AND make it easy for you to gain weight.

Plus it’s all about food you actually enjoy, so you’re not force-feeding chicken all the time.

You’ll stack size steadily without turning into a fatty mess because of your “dirty bulking”.

It’s not reeeally just about gaining weight.

You’re hitting PRs every week because your strength’s through the roof, not stuck in the mud. 

You’re filling out your shirts with muscle (not with needlessly confusing fitness tips) and feeling like a beast instead of Shrek.

But why not just do a dirty bulk or clean eating or whatever’s free online?

Sure, those diets have their perks (?!):

  • Dirty bulks pack on pounds quickly… but you’ll end up with a gut so big you’re cutting for months … fun times.
  • Clean eating’s strict and lean … but good luck growing when you’re trying to bulk up on broccoli and rice … I’ll wait.
  • Free online plans keep it cheap … but they’re so vague you’ll stall out or bloat up and hate every second.

With this guide however, you can tweak it to your day, 3 meals, 5 meals, whatever works. 

It’s built so you’re gaining muscle without gaining a spare tire or a headache.

No more:

  • Stuffing your face until you’re sick just to hit some calorie goal. 
  • Watching your abs vanish because the plan’s too cheaty. 
  • Quitting because the food’s a chore and the gains aren’t worth it.

Instead, you’ll have a bulking plan that fits your chaos, keeps your strength climbing, and adds size without giving up the sweets.

So ask yourself:

How would it feel to gain muscle and still enjoy your meals?

How much progress could you make if your plan didn’t leave you puffed up?

HOW MUCH would it cost to avoid the bloat, the stalls, and all that dirty bulk diet crap?

Most people say they’d pay a lot more than $29.99 for this.

Hell, some “gurus” would slap a “6-week BULK LIKE CRAZY challenge” label on it, stuff it with 50 pages of needlessly confusing OR completely BS stuff, and charge you $400. 

But I’m not here to gatekeep or upsell you on some live coaching scam.

$29.99 will get you:

  • A stupidly simple guide to make your own bulking diet
  • Flexible meal ideas that work with your life, not against it
  • A plan so easy even a chicken on the side of the road could follow it (will it cross the road?)

So stop slogging through diets that leave you bloated and pissed.

Stop letting sloppy plans and stalled gains kill your vibe.

Your body will thank you, and your gains will show up for it.

I’m hoping to see you on the inside.

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Think carbs are the enemy of your gains? Tell that to anyone who’s ever crushed a workout without crashing halfway through.

The right carbs fuel your body like premium gas in a sports car. Keeping you energized, strong, and ready to dominate every rep.





Still scared of fats because some random guru told you they’ll make you soft?

Healthy fats are the secret weapon for energy, and that lean, powerful look you’re chasing. Don’t skip them unless you enjoy losing.





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Top-tier protein sources are the building blocks of strength and recovery. Make sure to skip this if you like hating on yourself.